Guide to Skywatching & Astronomy in Ireland
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Monday, April 12, 2010

The Naming of Moons - April

April's Moon

Egg Moon, Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Waking Moon.

My favourite is from the song of Hiawatha – the moon of bright nights.

If the full moon were to fall before the 14th it would be Alder, if after the 14th like this april it’s a Willow moon, according to the new fangled version of the ancient Celtic tree lunar calendar. But some sources will just group April with Alder, without the split mid month. I believe the best way to celebrate any type of tree lunar calendar is to watch the trees, depending on where you are, the temperature and weather you’ve been having the trees leaves will emerge at slightly different times. The weeping willow’s leaves have just emerged in the last week, I would watch, observer and see what emerges with the new and full moons and celebrate those links rather than those laid out by any arbitrary system.

Other names – planting moon, growing moon & moon of utility.

Any other names where you are? In different cultures?

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