Guide to Skywatching & Astronomy in Ireland
Data also useful for the UK & some of Europe

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Lyrids Meteor Shower update

Its looking a wee bit overcast out there! But here's hoping...

Moon (& Mars) sets around at 3am, Due East is the Summer Triangle comprised of Vega, the radiant of the lyrids, Altair & Deneb.

Star hopping to Vega...

Find the big dipper, now imagine that there is a person holding the pan by the handle, Vega will be roughly eye level, on a tall person anyway. If you are familiar with the surrounding constellations, draco is in between Lyra and the big dipper.

Here is a pic with the constellation lines showing the big dipper and Lyra, Vega is indicated with the crosshairs.

Here's a pic with the constellation art...

And without lines or art... nearer to the real thing...

Best viewing of the shower is in the dark hours between moonset and sunrise approximately 3am. Happy Star Gazing, hope you have clear dark skies where you are, that you keep warm and have someone to share it with, good night!

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