Guide to Skywatching & Astronomy in Ireland
Data also useful for the UK & some of Europe

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Naming of Moons in June

Moon of strawberries, June (reference in Hiawatha, but also the Alonquin tribe)
Rose Moon, as this is the time of year when the roses bloom profusely

I still reckon you can name your moons as you wish, as there are so many refernces in many different cultures describing a local activity, usually a natural or agricultural occurence (which reoccurs each year and is hence cyclical). Other June Moon names include Blood Moon & Buck Moon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Planetary Hangouts in June

Mercury moves into Taurus on the 7th & into Gemini on the 23rd June
Venus moves into Cancer on the 10th of June
Mars is in Leo throughout June
Jupiter is in Pisces June til October
Saturn is in Virgo all year
Uranus is in Pisces for the remains of the year
Neptune is in Aquarius for the remains of the year
Pluto is in Sagittarius all year

Deep Space Objects – Skywatching with binoculars

Last chance this year to a get a good view of the M81 & M83 galaxies in Ursa Minor & the M51 whirlpool galaxy, But on the other hand the Epsilon Lyrae (double double) is just coming into a good focus as is the M13 great cluster in Hercules.

Partial Lunar Eclipse 26th June

First Lunar eclipse of the year - On June 26th, a partial Lunar Eclipse seen from Eastern Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean & Western America at 11:38 (UT). The maximum eclipse was 54% approx. There are a few vids out there, but all the ones I've seen are animations of the projected eclipse. I'll be in France at this time (all going well and I won't be able to see it from there!) I'll check youtube for any footage of it afterwards... i'm looking forward to winter solstice this year as we will be able to a total lunar eclipse from here (Ireland) if I'm here... It will be seen from Asia, Australia, Pacific ocean, America & all of Europe, so chances are I may see it?? 8:16am in the morning, so here's hoping for clear skies that day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Astronomical Dates in June

2nd June - Disseminating Moon in Capricorn at 4:14
4th June - 3rd Quarter Moon on the border between Aquarius and Pisces constellation
7th June - Balsamic Moon in Pisces at 14:30
12th June – New Moon in Taurus at 11:14
16th June – Crescent Moon in Leo at 12:27
19th June – 1st Quarter Moon in Virgo at 4:29
21st June – Gibbous Moon in Virgo at 12:16
26th June – Full Moon in Sagittarius at 11:30