Guide to Skywatching & Astronomy in Ireland
Data also useful for the UK & some of Europe

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Astronomical February dates

3rd February – Imbolc, Winter’s Cross Quarter Point
3rd February – Disseminating Moon 14:14 Virgo
5th February – 3rd Quarter 23:48 Libra
8th February – Balsamic Crescent Moon 14:16 Ophiuchus
(near Sagittarius & Scorpio)
14th February – New Moon 2:51 Aquarius
19th February – Crescent Moon 12:20 Aries
22nd February – 1st Quarter Moon 0:42 Taurus
24th February – Gibbous Moon 9:01 Gemini
28th February – Full Moon 16:37 Leo / Sextans Constellation

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