Guide to Skywatching & Astronomy in Ireland
Data also useful for the UK & some of Europe

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Astronomical Dates in May

1st May – Mayday, however the exact cross quarter point is 5th May
3rd May – Disseminating Moon 10:57 in Sagittarius
4th/7th May – Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower peaks evening of the 5th
East after midnight 10 per hour, mild shower
6th May – 3rd Quarter Moon in 4:14 on the cusp between Capricorn and Pisces
8th May – Balsamic Moon 22:10 in Pisces
14th May – New Moon 1:04 in Aries
16th May – Occultation of Venus (81%) 10:16UT, visible from Ireland
18th May – Crescent Moon 17:06 in Gemini
20th May – 1st Quarter Moon 23:42 in Leo
23rd May – Gibbous Moon 6:17 in Virgo
27th May – Full Moon 23:07 in Scorpio